Those involved in a divorce case are sometimes tempted to use spyware or other snooping techniques to spy upon their spouse. Such spying is not favored by the courts in Illinois or Iowa, and can even result in criminal charges.
How to Talk to Your Spouse About Divorce
In divorce case, there is always the question about how to break the news about a divorce to one’s spouse. The right way to handle the sharing of that information is something that will be different for each person, depending upon the unique facts in each case.
Deciding Whether to Move Out During a Divorce Case
Before and during a divorce is started, many people consider moving out of the marital home. The decision as to whether to move out or remain in the marital residence is a complex one that has significant ramifications upon property, custody, alimony, and other issues for those with cases in Illinois and Iowa.
Dealing with a Manipulative Spouse During a Divorce Case
At some point during their divorce case, many people will encounter attempts at manipulation from their spouse. This manipulation can center around just about any of the matters that exist in a divorce case, and is important to handle correctly as the outcome of a divorce case will affect a person’s life for years and years.
Getting Divorced without “Going to Court” (Uncontested divorces in Iowa and Illinois)
When a person and their spouse believe they are in agreement about every aspect of their divorce case, they will often express a desire to get divorced without having to “go to court.” This article addresses what is commonly meant by such a statement and how uncontested divorces in Iowa and Illinois work.
Dealing with a Spouse’s Improper Spending During an Illinois or Iowa Divorce
During divorce cases, it is not uncommon for a spouse to try and spend marital money in an inappropriate manner. Sometimes that involves emptying out bank accounts. Other times, a spouse will overuse credit cards during the divorce case. It is important to address that improper spending quickly in Illinois or Iowa.
Conciliation in Iowa Divorce Cases
Conciliation is part of the Iowa divorce process in some cases. The purpose of conciliation is to attempt to save the marriage by getting the spouses to work out their differences. Iowa code section 598.16 addresses conciliation.