Sometimes a person who is facing a serious criminal charge may feel afraid and compelled to do “something.” All too often, that urge to do “something” can lead a person to take action that is quite harmful to their case. An example of that that I see from time to time is when a person writes a letter to the judge as their case is pending, apologizing and asking the judge to let them out of jail. Such letters are not helpful, and can prove quite harmful. For that reason, it is wise to avoid writing such a letter to the judge.
Mediation versus Settlement Conferences in Iowa Divorce and Custody Cases
Courts in Iowa (almost) always require either Mediation or a Settlement Conference take place in custody or divorce cases before there can be a trial. Many courts require this even before there can be a hearing on temporary matters such a visitation, although that varies widely. Settlement conferences and mediation are two different approaches that … Read more