Mediation versus Settlement Conferences in Iowa Divorce and Custody Cases

Courts in Iowa (almost) always require either Mediation or a Settlement Conference take place in custody or divorce cases before there can be a trial. Many courts require this even before there can be a hearing on temporary matters such a visitation, although that varies widely. Settlement conferences and mediation are two different approaches that … Read more

Do I have to take Children in the Middle again? Addressing the co-parenting class requirement

In Iowa (and many other states), parents who have a custody or divorce case are required by the court to take a class on co-parenting. That class, often called “children in the middle” or “parenting solutions” is intended to help a parent learn how to work well with the other parent in a way that … Read more

Money-Saving Tips for Those with Divorce or Child Custody Cases

A child custody or divorce case can be one of the most important events in a person’s life.  It can also be one of the more expensive events too.  However, there are things that a person can do to help minimize that expense while also seeking the best possible outcome for the case.

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Summer Visitation

It is common in divorce and custody cases in Iowa and Illinois for the court to award a non-custodial parent (a parent who does not have primary physical care) an extended block of visitation in the summer months.  Summer visitation is also commonly awarded to both parents so that each parent can have an opportunity to take a vacation or otherwise spend time with the child.  Summer visitation can be a great opportunity for a parent to spend more time with a child, but it can also be a source of contention.

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Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, which is found at 50 U.S.C. sections 501-597b, was enacted to allow servicemembers to devote their energy to the defense needs of the nation and to provide for the temporary suspension of judicial and administrative proceedings, except criminal proceedings, that may adversely affect the civil rights of servicemembers during military service.

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Complying with Discovery in Divorce and Custody Cases

In divorce and child custody cases in Illinois and Iowa, Discovery is an important part of the case. Discovery refers to the process through which each side in a divorce or custody case is entitled to gather information from the other side, for use in court later.  It is important to comply with discovery, as a failure to do so can result in significant harm to a case.

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Common Pitfalls for People Why Try to Represent Themselves in Divorce Cases

People will sometimes attempt to represent themselves in a divorce case.  When a person acts as their own lawyer (pro se) in a divorce, there are often serious problems created, both in the short term and the long term. Anyone who is considering representing themselves should consider the possible ramifications before proceeding.

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Military Orders and Domicile for Divorce Cases

The first step in the divorce process, is determining where exactly to file the divorce and begin court proceedings. This process is usually simple, but it can be difficult for military families. For a divorce judgment to be valid, one of the individuals usually must be domiciled in the State issuing the divorce decree.

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