Mediation versus Settlement Conferences in Iowa Divorce and Custody Cases

Courts in Iowa (almost) always require either Mediation or a Settlement Conference take place in custody or divorce cases before there can be a trial. Many courts require this even before there can be a hearing on temporary matters such a visitation, although that varies widely. Settlement conferences and mediation are two different approaches that … Read more

Do I have to take Children in the Middle again? Addressing the co-parenting class requirement

In Iowa (and many other states), parents who have a custody or divorce case are required by the court to take a class on co-parenting. That class, often called “children in the middle” or “parenting solutions” is intended to help a parent learn how to work well with the other parent in a way that … Read more

The Pros and Cons of the “One Judge One Child” Rule

In some counties, there is a “one judge one child” rule which means that a single judge is assigned to handle each hearing in a divorce or custody case that involves one or more minor children.  The purpose of that rule is to ensure that the judge who makes the final custody determination is as familiar with the case as possible, since that judge’s ruling will have a long-lasting effect upon the child’s life.  The one judge one child rule has its pros, and its cons.

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