This page will allow you to schedule a consultation (either by phone or in-person) to take place during normal business hours, or purchase an emergency telephone consultation that can take place outside of normal business hours. A consultation is the first step in hiring an attorney for your case. The purpose of a consultation is to determine if there is a legal matter in which our law firm can represent you (we handle cases in Iowa and Illinois), and to let you know what our services would cost. If you are person who is genuinely interested in and financially able to hire an attorney from Puryear Law to represent you, we are happy to consult with you in-person at our office, or by telephone, and will set aside some of our lawyer time to speak with you. Our website allows you to schedule a consultation right now.
Before scheduling a consultation, please note the following:
- Consultations involve us setting aside attorney time for you, so please ensure you only schedule a consultation if you are genuinely interested and financially able to retain an attorney.
- Please do not schedule a consultation if you just want to ask questions but do not have any intention of hiring an attorney as doing so will not result in you getting useful answers, and will just waste your time and our time. That is because we are only able to give you meaningful legal advice after being hired and doing the legal work on your case that is needed before meaningful legal advice can be given.
- The attorneys at Puryear Law are skilled lawyers with many years of experience in private practice. We are not public defenders. We do not provide court-appointed representation. If you are seeking a public defender or court appointed attorney, please do not schedule a consultation with us as we are unable to help you.
- Please do not schedule a consultation on behalf of a friend or relative unless that person is jail/prison. Instead, a person who needs legal services should schedule their own consultation, but may have a friend or relative with them at the time of the consultation if they so wish.
- Please ensure that you pick a time for the consultation when you will be available and able to give the consultation your full attention, so that we are able to have a productive discussion about your case and help you.
Option 1: Free telephone consultation or $75 in-person consultation
To schedule your consultation, please begin by clicking on your answer to the following question:
Are you financially able to hire an attorney, and genuinely interested in hiring an attorney for your case?
Yes | No
Option 2: EMERGENCY telephone consultation
For those seeking an EMERGENCY telephone consultation that can be had after-hours, on holidays, etc., we offer such a consultation. There is a $500 non-refundable fee that is earned upon payment and which will not be refunded even if you later decide not to proceed with the emergency consultation or fail to timely respond to us when we contact you for the consultation. To purchase such an emergency telephone consultation, click the following link, pay the non-refundable $500 fee, and follow the instructions to provide your phone number. An attorney from Puryear Law will then call you as soon as possible.
- Click here to pay $500 with credit card or debit card.
- Click here to pay $500 with a cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin or Litecoin.