Federal law makes it a serious crime for a person to impersonate an officer or employee of the United States, under 18 U.S.C. § 912:
Federal Child Pornography Charges
Federal law imposes criminal penalties upon those convicted of certain activities relating to material constituting or containing child pornography, as provided for by 18 U.S.C. § 2252A:
Federal Kidnapping Charges
The Federal crime of Kidnapping applies to kidnapping in the traditional sense, as well as parental kidnapping. It is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1201 as follows:
Federal Coercion and Enticement Charges
The Federal crimes of Coercion and Enticement relate to situations where a person is accused of causing another person to travel for or engage in prostitution or any other unlawful sexual activity. The penalties vary depending upon the age of the individual and other factors, as set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 2422 as shown below:
Federal Travel and Transportation for Criminal Sexual Activity Charges
There are several Federal crimes defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2423 which relate to travel and transportation in connection with certain illegal sexual activity. Those subsections of 18 U.S.C. § 2423 are discussed below:
Federal Operation of a Common Carrier Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs Charges
It is a Federal crime for a person who is operating a common carrier to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The applicable Federal law, 18 U.S.C. § 342, provides as follows:
Federal Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or an Informant Charges
The Federal crime of Federal Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or an Informant is set forth in 18 U.S. Code § 1512, which provides as follows:
Common Pitfalls for People Why Try to Represent Themselves in Divorce Cases
People will sometimes attempt to represent themselves in a divorce case. When a person acts as their own lawyer (pro se) in a divorce, there are often serious problems created, both in the short term and the long term. Anyone who is considering representing themselves should consider the possible ramifications before proceeding.
Threat of Terrorism Charges in Iowa
The crime of Threat of Terrorism in Iowa is defined by Iowa Code Section 708A.5 as follows:
Falsely Making a Terrorist Threat Charge in Illinois
The Illinois crime of Falsely Making a Terrorist Threat is defined in 720 ILCS 5/29D-25 as follows:
Making a Terrorist Threat Charge in Illinois
The crime of Making a Terrorist Threat under Illinois law is defined in 720 ILCS 5/29D-20 as follows:
Child Abandonment Charges in Illinois
The crime of Child Abandonment in Illinois is defined by 720 ILCS 5/12C-10 as follows:
Endangering the Life or Health of a Child Charges in Illinois
The Illinois crime of Endangering the Life or Health of a Child is defined in 720 ILCS 5/12C-5 as follows:
What to Do When A Judge “Gets it Wrong”
Judges can and do make incorrect rulings. Sometimes a judge’s rulings are factually inaccurate, and other times they include legal errors. There are actions that can be taken to when a judge “gets it wrong,” but the time limits are short so it is important to act swiftly.
Military Orders and Domicile for Divorce Cases
The first step in the divorce process, is determining where exactly to file the divorce and begin court proceedings. This process is usually simple, but it can be difficult for military families. For a divorce judgment to be valid, one of the individuals usually must be domiciled in the State issuing the divorce decree.
How Long it Takes to Get Divorced
A common question in divorce cases is how long it will take for the divorce to be completed. The answer to that question depends upon many different factors that are unique to each case. Those factors include the following:
An Argument in Favor of Restoring Gun Rights for Convicted Felons
The issues of what crimes should bar a person from gun ownership, how long such a ban on gun ownership should last, and when a person should be able to have their gun rights restored are often hotly debated.
Filing Taxes (and Dividing a Tax Refund) During a Divorce Case
When a married couple is going through a divorce case, the issue of how to file taxes and what to do with a tax refund often arises. Properly handling such a tax situation is important.
Finding the Right Courtroom in the Scott County, Iowa Courthouse
In Scott County, Iowa, there is a single courthouse that is used for all court cases in the county. That includes traffic, OWI, misdemeanors, felonies, divorce, child custody, general lawsuits, and other cases.
Finding the Right Courtroom in the Rock Island County Illinois Courthouse
In Rock Island County, Illinois, there are two courthouse buildings in which custody, divorce, traffic, DUI, misdemeanor, felony, and other cases can be heard.