In a divorce or custody case, Requests for Production of Documents is a commonly used discovery tool.
Preserving Evidence in Cases Involving Police or Governmental Violations of Civil Rights
In cases where a person’s civil rights have been violated by the police or another governmental actor, it is important to ensure that the evidence is swiftly preserved. Failing to do so can make it difficult or even impossible to address the misconduct that a person has suffered.
Dissolving a Guardianship in Iowa
In Iowa, a guardianship either ends or can be dissolve in the following circumstances
KWQC Channel 6 Story on President Obama’s Gun Control Executive Action
KWQC Channel 6 in the Quad Cities ran a story on President Obama’s gun control executive action. I enjoyed being interview again by KWQC Reporter Courtney Yuen for that story, which can be seen here. Unlike many new articles on gun-related subjects, this one is quite balanced.
Expert Witnesses in Gun-Related Cases
In gun related cases, it is often critical to utilize an expert witness.
Special Considerations for Daycare Operators when Dealing with Iowa DHS
The Department of Human Services in Iowa handles both the licensing of daycare operators and child abuse/neglect investigations in Iowa. When a person who operates a daycare is accused of child abuse or child neglect in Iowa, they face both the standard concerns anyone would face, as well as concerns about their livelihood and ability to continue operating a daycare.
Depositions in Child Custody and Divorce Cases
Depositions can be useful tools in child custody and divorce cases in Iowa and Illinois.
Useful Tools in Illinois Collection Matters
When a party obtains a judgment in a civil case, that party becomes what is called a “judgment-creditor.” The party that owes the judgment, which is a debt, is a “judgment-debtor.” While a judgment-creditor may be relieved to have won a judgment, that fact alone does not equal payment in all cases.
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, which is found at 50 U.S.C. sections 501-597b, was enacted to allow servicemembers to devote their energy to the defense needs of the nation and to provide for the temporary suspension of judicial and administrative proceedings, except criminal proceedings, that may adversely affect the civil rights of servicemembers during military service.
Dealing with Police Misconduct and Brutality
There are some police officers who engage in misconduct and commit acts of brutality. Properly handling such a situation of abuse on the part of the police is vital to protecting oneself, obtaining the justice that is deserved, and putting a stop to such wrongdoing, so as to protect oneself and the community as a whole.
Choosing Where to File for Custody
Filing a child custody case in the right location is important.
What to Do When an Ex’s New Boyfriend, Girlfriend, or Spouse Poses a Danger to Your Child
In many cases these days, a child is endangered or harmed by a the new spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend of an ex. Properly addressing such a situation is vital to ensuring the safety of the child.
Finding the Right Courtroom in the Clinton County, Iowa Courthouse
Court in Clinton County, Iowa is held in a single courthouse. This courthouse handles cases for the Iowa District Court, Iowa Associate District Court, Iowa Juvenile Court, and Magistrate Court for the county of Clinton.
Finding the Right Courtroom in the Muscatine County, Iowa Courthouse
The Muscatine County, Iowa courthouse is a single building in which the Iowa District Court, Iowa Associate District Court, Iowa Juvenile Court, and Magistrate Court for the County of Muscatine all sit.
Finding the Right Courtroom in the Henry County, Illinois Courthouse
The court in in Henry County, Illinois is generally held at the main courthouse in Cambridge, IL, although there is also a satellite courthouse in Kewanee, IL that is used for some cases.
Improper Lane Usage Tickets in Illinois
Illinois law requires that drivers use traffic lanes in a particular manner. The portion of Illinois law that governs use of lanes on the road is 625 ILCS 5/11-709, which provides as follows:
Complying with Discovery in Divorce and Custody Cases
In divorce and child custody cases in Illinois and Iowa, Discovery is an important part of the case. Discovery refers to the process through which each side in a divorce or custody case is entitled to gather information from the other side, for use in court later. It is important to comply with discovery, as a failure to do so can result in significant harm to a case.
Money Laundering Charges in Iowa
The crime of money laundering in Iowa is defined by Iowa Code Section 706.B as follows:
Poaching Charges in Iowa
Poaching in Iowa is the crime committed when a person takes wildlife or fish without the proper permit. Iowa Code Section 483A.42
The Lack of Uniformity in Gun Laws Can Cause Problems for Gun Owners
Gun laws vary greatly from state to state, and even within states at the city and county level. These differences can cause a gun owner serious legal problems.