Finding the Right Courtroom in the Muscatine County, Iowa Courthouse

The Muscatine County, Iowa courthouse is a single building in which the Iowa District Court, Iowa Associate District Court, Iowa Juvenile Court, and Magistrate Court for the County of Muscatine all sit.

The courthouse in Muscatine, IA is located at 401 E 3rd St, Muscatine, IA 52761. There are courtrooms on the first and 3rd floors of the building. Many traffic and simple misdemeanor matters are handled on the first floor. Juvenile court matters tend to be handled on the 3rd floor, as are custody and divorce cases. Felony matters are also generally handled on the 3rd floor. However, it is common for the 1st floor courtroom to be used when there is no more space available upstairs for a divorce or custody case.

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