Failure to Reduce Speed Ticket in Illinois

Drivers who are accused of being at fault for a car accident in Illinois are often charged with the offense of Failure to Reduce Speed to Avoid an Accident, under 625 ILCS 5/11-601a.

In essence, a Failure to Reduce Speed charge in Illinois is an accusation that a driver did not slow down their car so as to avoid hitting another car, a person, or some other object. The Failure to Reduce Speed charge doesn’t mean that a person was speeding, but rather that they didn’t slow or stop their vehicle so as to prevent an accident.

Failure to Reduce Speed is a Petty Offense in the state of Illinois, which carries a fine of up to $1,000. Often more significant than the fine is the impact that a conviction for Failure to Reduce Speed can have upon a person’s driver’s license and insurance costs. In cases where personal injury or property damage has occurred, a conviction for Failure to Reduce Speed can also cause serious problems for a person who is then sued civil in relation to that car accident.

For all of those reasons, along with the possible fine, it is wise to seek an attorney to ensure that a Failure to Reduce Speed to Avoid an Accident charge is properly handled.

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