Robbery Charges in Iowa

In Iowa, the forcible felony of Robbery is defined by Iowa Code Section 711.1, as the crime a person commits a robbery when, having the intent to commit a theft, the person does any of the following acts to assist or further the commission of the intended theft or the person’s escape from the scene thereof with or without the stolen property:
1. Commits an assault upon another.
2. Threatens another with or purposely puts another in fear of
immediate serious injury.
3. Threatens to commit immediately any forcible felony.
It is immaterial to the question of guilt or innocence of robbery
that property was or was not actually stolen.

In the state of Iowa, robbery comes in a two different degree (levels of seriousness):

         A person commits robbery in the first degree when, while
      perpetrating a robbery, the person purposely inflicts or attempts to
      inflict serious injury, or is armed with a dangerous weapon.  Robbery
      in the first degree is a class "B" felony.
         All robbery which is not robbery in the first degree is robbery in
      the second degree.  Robbery in the second degree is a class "C"

In Iowa, Robbery in the 1st Degree is a Class B felony, which means that a conviction carries a prison term of 25 years.  Robbery in the 2nd Degree is classified by Iowa law as a Class C felony, which carries a term of 10 years in prison.  Since Robbery in a Forcible felony, there are mandatory minimums in prison that apply to those convicted, making a robbery charge a very serious charge in Iowa.

Any person charged with robbery in Iowa is well advised to remain silent and seek an attorney at once, it is important to properly handle such a charge.
See also  The Preliminary Hearing in an Iowa Criminal Case