Iowa Indecent Exposure Charges

Indecent exposure is a serious misdemeanor in Iowa, and is defined in Iowa Code section 709.9, which states as follows:

A person who exposes the person’s genitals or pubes to another not the person’s spouse, or who commits a sex act in the presence of or view of a third person, commits a serious misdemeanor, if:
1. The person does so to arouse or satisfy the sexual desires of either party; and
2. The person knows or reasonably should know that the act is offensive to the viewer.

Since indecent exposure in Iowa is a Serious Misdmeanor, the penalty for a conviction can include a jail sentence of up to one year, as well as a fine and probation.

Indecent exposure is also a sexual offense in Iowa, meaning that under Iowa Code section 692A.102, a person convicted of indecent exposure is required to register as a sex offender.  That sex offender registration requirement is a serious matter, as it can have a profound impact upon where a person can live, their employment, and many other aspects of life.

For all of those reasons, a person accused of indecent exposure is well advised to seek an attorney immediately, as it is important to properly handle the charges.

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